Tuesday, January 1, 2013

It Never Ends

We just completed a week of potty training boot camp. That is to say Luke uses the potty most of the time. There are accidents ahead, for sure. But the work itself is done. 

Phew. That was hella hard. I almost had several nervous breakdowns. Glad it's over.

Wait. Damn it, I'll have to do this with Jack, too.

See, I'm the type of person who is always thinking (Dan would say "worried") about when we'll be done with all the tedious chores of parenthood and when we can start really living. 


That quote from the movie Parenthood seems fitting here:
"There is no end zone. You never cross the goal line, spike the ball and do your touchdown dance. Never."


Yes, that's true. When Luke was born, Dan and I were literally terrified of just keeping him alive. It moved from that to sleep training to solid foods to bottle weaning to big boy bed to potty training to... 

Huh? I guess it really doesn't end. 

The teacher part of me literally just realized that there are plenty of hurdles ahead - learning to count, learning to read, multiplication, ACTs. This brought forth the epiphany that Luke and Jack are going to strike out in little league and have their hearts broken more than once. 

It never ends.

In 2013 I'm going to try very hard to live in the moment and enjoy whatever stage my boys happen to be in. One day all too soon they will be grown up. I don't want to look back and think about how I wished away all that time waiting for our life to begin. It's already begun.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
-Ferris Bueller


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